Get expert help to transform your dog’s behaviour and Wellness the enjoyable way!


A Video Lesson-A-Day  for 10 Days to Kickstart Your Dog's Wellness AND Improve Their Behaviour!
Did you know that your dog's overall health, how long they live for, how frequently you visit the vet AND how well they behave are all linked? Oftentimes, we forget the importance of our own health so it’s no surprise that it may have missed a trick here!

The things is, reactivity and other dog-owning struggles represent a complex interaction between...

1. Your Dog’s BRAIN wellbeing
2. Your Dog’s GUT wellness
3. Your Dog’s TRAINING

There are three k9 body systems that are closely linked and are constantly governing how favourably your dog responds to what they’re being asked to do, how your dog responds to the world and generally how healthy they are!

One of them is, of course, your training and the other two are their brain wellbeing and their gut wellness.

From the chemicals in your dog’s brain to little critters that make up their gut microbiome, supporting these is vital for stress-free dog ownership!

Become your dog’s health hero today….

Rescue your relationship by investing in your dog’s health. 

Right now, you might be in a vicious cycle of worsening relationship and worsening daily behaviour and experiences and possibly even battling struggles like:
- Reactivity and "behaviour problems"
- Itching, scratching and allergies!
- Soft stools!
- Anxiety or overexcitability!
- Flatulence!
- Poor skin condition!
- Poor mobility!

It's like a bank account - positive experiences together pay in (boosting the health of it), negative experience cause withdrawals (making your balance reduce even into the negative figures). 

And, when every interaction with your poochy pal is a negative one, it compounds, kind of like interest. 
Making it harder to pay in enough positive interactions to cover the negative ones.


Let’s reverse the negative spin on your relationship with a 10-day program of positive interactions that will help to transform the lives of you and your dog.

How it works...

Sign up and every day for 10 days we’ll send you a FREE video email helping you to give your poochy the TLC they deserve, putting an end to the vicious cycle of worsening behaviour and relationship

What you get...

  • 10 days of explainer videos presented by Tom & Lauren (experienced veterinarian, world-renowned dog trainers and behaviourists) delivered to your inbox 1 per day.
  • 10 days of actionable insights and ways to boost your dog’s health.
  • ​Game-changing activities to help your dog become calmer, fitter and more responsive to what you say.
  • ​Tips to make mealtimes more fun and rewarding for you and your dog + reduce the risk of disease.
  • ​Health hacks with instructions on making simple everyday changes to bring you closer together and improve your relationship.

Total Value: INFINITE

Normal Price: £47/ $67

For you FREE

When your dog’s health is in balance, you can expect...

  • An end to crazy pulling on the lead.
  • ​Winning the battles of itchiness, scratching, soft stools and general wellness.
  • ​A dog that actually listens.
  • ​An end to barking, lunging and general "reactivity".
  • ​Calm behaviour around visitors to your home.
  • ​A dog that chooses YOU over the other dog, squirrel, cyclists or child playing ball!
So, if you’ve been feeding your dog a certain diet, or following a training program and not seeing the results you hoped for. You may have thought you’re doing it wrong when that really isn’t the case at all! 

Your dog just needs help to feel calm and escape the vicious cycle of worsening behaviour and relationship. 

This 10-Day challenge will take you by the hand and show you how it’s possible.
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